Threshold Healing Services

Therapeutic Bodywork

Therapeutic massage is the best to treat injuries and areas of chronic pain. It is performed on a table with oil on the skin.  Using Trigger Point release, deep tissue techniques, and mobilization the client will experience a significant change in the muscle tissue thereby improving the circulation, mobility, and overall health of the area. Generally, this modality will focus on specific pain areas and affected tissues to efficiently create change.

Techniques may be uncomfortable while applied, however, the area will feel more mobile within 24hrs (though perhaps a little sore from the deep work). Often more than one session is needed to create lasting change, though you will likely notice improvement after the first session. Clients will also leave with stretches and/or exercises to aid in maintaining and encouraging change in pain areas.

Therapeutic massage is often used to prevent chronic pain from reoccurring or minor injuries from causing pain. This style of massage is aligned with preventative holistic care and is often a monthly appointment.

Thai Yoga Bodywork

Thai Yoga Bodywork is a healing treatment that integrates Yoga, Trigger Point Massage techniques, and Energy Healing. The session takes place on a mat on the floor and the client wears loose, comfortable clothing that is suitable for movement and stretching. The practitioner uses rhythmic massage, assisted Yoga poses, and acupressure to stimulate the healing energies, open blocked areas, and bring the body, mind, and spirit back into balance and harmony.

Whether you have a yoga practice or not, this healing therapy will leave you feeling refreshed, rested, and alive. Joints are loosened and opened through mobilization and peripheral stimulation, muscles are stretched, internal organs are toned, vitality is increased and a deep state of relaxation is achieved. In addition to unblocking and regulating the flow of energy in the body, Thai Yoga Bodywork has therapeutic results in virtually all of the systems of the body. This service is currently only practiced by Alyssa Hill

Upper body/Shoulder Love

This style of massage is performed on a table using oil on the skin. This is an ideal session for someone who wants their massage to address the shoulders, neck, arms, and head areas only. This session can incorporate cupping and gua sha to go deep into the computer neck and cell phone hand/wrist. Clients will often leave with simple stretches to maintain mobility.

Scar Tissue Care/Repair

This style of bodywork is focused specifically on repair and care of scar tissue and the surrounding tissues. Scar tissue can cause discomfort and nerve pain/numbness/tingling etc in not only the specific tissues but the surrounding tissues as well. Our practitioners can us several techniques to help the body repair and diminish the impact of scars. Techniques include: gua sha, cupping, manual tissue manipulation, lymph drainage assistance, and moxa heat application. Clients will also get practices to use at home to help with the healing of scars. Our therapist are specifically familiar with gender affirming scar tissues, aka top-surgery scars.

Relaxation Massage (with optional Cupping):

Relaxation massage is best to treat generally stress and overwhelm. It focuses on providing general relaxation, relieving muscle tension and improving blood circulation. Its primary goal is to assist the client to recover from the stresses of everyday life. Treatments involve long, smooth, and gliding strokes. Pressure is deep but not to the point of discomfort or pain. Treatment is designed to soothe and nourish the spirit. Cupping is available with this session to further open the back channels and deepen the massage treatment.

Cupping and Gua Sha

Cupping, or ventosas, is an ancient art, practiced by virtually every culture in the world at one time. Every family used to be able to treat a variety of simple ailments and injuries with just a few basic tools. Asian. Ancient European and Central American styles of cupping may be used separately or combined for a very elegant treatment. Cupping treatments can be used to treat the uterus, urinary, digestive, kidney issues, musculoskeletal issues, and injuries, or simply to alleviate muscular pain and tension. It is often used in conjunction with Trigger Point release to move fascial adhesions and aid in the progress of trigger point release. Cupping relieves symptoms by moving old deoxygenated blood and metabolic waste out of the tissues, allowing for fresh, nutritious, oxygenated blood to move into the tissue. It also stretches the muscle fibers and separates the facial/connective tissues from the muscle so they are moving independently, allowing them to be more flexible and strong as a result.

Gua Sha, or scraping, is an ancient technique that can be used to support cupping treatments, or on its own, depending on a client's specific needs. Gua Sha stimulates blood flow and promotes healing. Typically the skin is lightly scraped with a Jade stone to draw energy up through the tissues.  Both cupping and gua sha often leave bruise-like marks on the skin that last around a week or longer depending on the skin tone.

Chi Nei Tsang

Chi Nei Tang is a Chinese style of internal organ massage. The therapist works mostly on the abdomen to access the internal organs. The digestive system is often the key that unlocks pain and dis-ease throughout the body. Unprocessed emotional charges are addressed, as well as all of the body systems: digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, nervous, endocrine, urinary, reproductive, musculoskeletal, and the acupuncture meridian system (Chi). Chi Nei Tang is an excellent addition to any massage or can be done as a stand-alone massage. Clients will leave with self-massage exercises to aid digestion and self-maintenance. This service is only practiced by Alyssa Hill.

This is a wonderful place to go for massages and bodywork, especially for the LGBTQAI+ community. I, as a transwoman, felt safe, welcome, and accepted there. It was comfortable and relaxing through and through.
— Natalia F.

Isn’t it time you invested in your own healing?